Edison Studio History
The studio on Lighthouse Hill was built in 1940 by
Andrew Winter. He and his wife Mary Taylor lived in the house just below the construction site. The new space was designed as his painting studio. Andrew was attentive to the details of the building, installing large windows for plenty of northern light, and taking extra time to carve decorative trim elements. It was an ideal place for painting.
Like Andrew, Mary Taylor was a dedicated artist and painter. When Andrew passed away in 1958, Mary began using the space as both her summer home and her studio.

Ann Edison purchased the property from Mary Taylor in 1969. Ann's husband, Theodore, was well known on the Island as founder of Monhegan Associates. Ann shared his passion for the island and it’s people, including many of the Artists’ Colony that by then was well established. Ann was herself an amateur painter. The Edisons’ purchase was a benefit to Mary Taylor who had become very ill. Mary died in 1970.
Sylvia and Buddy Alberts first came to Monhegan from their home in Manhattan in the 60’s. Sylvia was drawn to the community of artists. In 1973 the Edisons asked Sylvia and Buddy if they would like to spend the summer season in the studio. This provided the perfect opportunity for Sylvia to dedicate her time to painting on the island.
Each spring, before the Alberts traveled north from New York to Monhegan, they would visit Ann and Ted at their New Jersey home. The visits were warm and the couples enjoyed games together. Before they said goodbye, the Alberts were given the keys to the studio on Lighthouse Hill. In the fall, a similar trip was made to return the keys. For over twenty years the Edison’s made it possible for Sylvia to live and work on Monhegan.
The Edison’s bequeathed the studio to the Monhegan Associates. As it had become a home and an
important work space for Sylvia, she wished to purchase it. In 1986 Monhegan Associates sold the
property to the Alberts, thus realizing a modest monetary gain for the Associates while honoring the
separate tradition the Edison’s had maintained with Sylvia and Buddy.
When Sylvia passed away in 2015 she left
the property to Daniel Bates and Daphne Pulsifer.
The keys to the building had a fob with
carefully inked letters on it:
Today the Edison Studio is Daphne Pulsifer’s
primary work space. When her son, Cat,
and stepdaughter, Kila, come “home” to the island,
they can also be found working there.
Please come and visit!